Open Water Dives

The last part of our PADI Open Water certification is to repeat the same skills the students learnt in the pool, in the open water. California is an interesting mix of cold water, even when the days are warm.
Our training was at Shadowcliffs Regional Park in Pleasanton. Saturday, the weather was in the 70’s. Warm, beautiful sunshine lasted the entire day!
Our journey started at 8am on Saturday morning. After putting gear together, students listened to Hazel, Janice and Eric, our instructors, about the plan for the day.
Splitting into two groups meant that we could ensure the students safety. Each student was paired up with a buddy. Buddies are an important safety criteria in Scuba diving. Your buddy is there to assist should you have a problem – whether that’s a cramp, or you’re out of air.
When buddy checks are done (BWRAF!!) then it’s time to get in the water. We walk down fully geared up except for fins, which we put on in the water. Students did two open water dives, with skills, and then headed home for the day!
Sunday started at 8am again, but the weather wasn’t as nice and many of our students had to power through the cold. Bella, my dog, came to give some students emotional support and warm fuzzies.
They made it though! And now we have 9 new PADI Open Water Scuba Divers!! Congratulations!
Our next step is to finish off a little more training with some others, and then think about the warmer waters of Roatan, Honduras!!