Author: Dr. Helen Walter

SCI (STEM College iPads): Microscopes & the Camera

Want to see what’s really possible with you iPad camera? More than you might think. Students in my classes have been using their iPads to take pictures of their many different types of experiments. Let your students archive what they are seeing with their iPads. Actually, encourage it. It’s good scientific behavior in documenting results…
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Sunday – Time for Goodbyes!

Sunday started with a little last minute packing and then it was off to our last breakfast. We took one of our last trips across from the Island to the mainland, and then met with Jenn, our RIMS scientist, for breakfast. She was a welcome guest bringing us some island coffee that we’d all asked for…
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Saturday – A Day for Lasts!

 Saturday morning started much like other mornings with an early breakfast. We needed to be at RIMS for 7:45am through so no extra cups of coffee. Not that I think we needed it as we had two exciting activities left for our day.First up was a lecture on Bottlenose dolphins, with information about their anatomy,…
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Friday – Dude! It’s turtle time!

Dana and I greeted every morning with this view. Not bad, right?  We never had much time to really enjoy it though, and today, Friday, was no exception. Breakast, two dives, lunch, another dive, a lecture, lunch and then presentations. Phew! After breakfast we took the opportunity to grab another group shot. They are much…
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Thursday – Sharks, Corals, and the Dark, Oh My!

After breakfast most of us headed down to the dock to get on board on boat and travel around the island once more to go on a dedicated shark dive. Sergio, a Divemaster from Italy, introduced us to some shark physiology and behavior as well as making sure we understood some of the extra safety…
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Wednesday – More than Four Sponges!

After our normal wake up (fall out of bed) and head to breakfast, at least that’s how it goes for me, we all headed off for two dives. Today our first dive was at Four Sponges, but I’m pretty sure I saw a lot more than four!! The barrel sponges however were huge and prolific,…
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Tuesday – Another day in paradise

Dana and I starred with our morning roll out of bed and meet the students for 7am breakfast. As always, Loren, our faithful waiter helped us with food choices and the many cups of coffee we were beginning to enjoy.After breakfast we headed to our boat to meet Captain Dean, Edwin and Alson for our…
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Monday – Our first day!

Monday started with a 7am breakfast. Personally I’m not a fan of mornings but if I’m going diving it’s amazing how awake I can be. Breakfast was cereal, fresh fruit (amazing), fruit juice and pastries. Then we could each individually order something hot like huevos rancheros, omelette, French toast, or pancakes. And … Honduran coffee. Yum!!After…
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Things happened as planned (phew) and we made it to Roatan.Last night I picked up Dana and drove to Mills where we loaded Chicora’s truck with our gear and then headed to meet the students. All of them were there, so a good start but no shuttle. It disappeared. We worked it out eventually though…
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Final Preparations!

It’s the final countdown..I’ll let those of us who remember the song hum along.It’s Wednesday night. In three nights I will be at the airport with 15 students and 2 other staff members waiting on an airplane to Houston then Roatan.I’m both excited to share my love of this underwater world with my students and…
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